💾Installing FLECS Core


FLECS Core, adaptable to any Linux-based device, is designed to revolutionize the way you approach automation systems.

FLECS Core offers two straightforward paths to integrating advanced automation systems:

  • installing FLECS on your personal device using FILiP (FLECS Installer for Linux Platforms) or

  • opting for a device that comes with FLECS pre-installed.

The choice is yours, whether you prefer the hands-on approach of setting up FLECS yourself or the convenience of a ready-to-use solution. Explore our range of devices with FLECS pre-installed at flecs.tech/marketplace/category/systems/.

Install FLECS on Your Device with FILiP

For those who wish to install FLECS on their own hardware, FILiP simplifies the process with a one-liner installation command. This method is ideal if you want to use your existing Linux-based device for automation tasks.

Prerequisites for Installation

Before you begin, ensure that your setup meets the following requirements:

  • A compatible device: This can be a PC, AMD64 or ARM-based hardware, a virtual machine (VM), or a hypervisor, running Debian, Ubuntu, or Yocto Linux.

  • Access to the device: Ensure you have SSH access or connected peripherals to interact with your Linux system.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Install FLECS Core with FILiP

Open your terminal and execute this simple command:

curl -fsSL install.flecs.tech | bash

This command initiates the FILiP installation process for FLECS Core on your device.

Step 2: Accessing FLECS

After the installation, your system will reboot. To access the FLECS User Interface (UI), simply enter the device's IP address or hostname in your web browser. If you encounter any issues, such as an active web server, try appending port :8080 or :8008 to the IP address.

Install FLECS Using Docker

For users familiar with Docker, FLECS can be installed directly using Docker images. This method is ideal for those who prefer containerized environments and have Docker installed on their system.

Configuring Network Settings for FLECS Core

  • Port Configurations Required:

    • HTTP: 80 / TCP (required for the internal network to connect to the device's UI.)

    • HTTPS: 443 / TCP

Selecting Your FLECS Device

FLECS provides three distinct device categories to suit diverse requirements:

  1. FLECS Verified Device: Devices from trusted manufacturers, integrated with FLECS in collaboration with us. They consistently pass our tests for reliability and are continuously updatable.

  2. FLECS Official Device: Central to our development, these devices undergo constant testing. They represent our most reliable offerings, available at flecs.tech/marketplace/tag/official-device/.

  3. FLECS Community Device: These devices, either pre-installed with FLECS or capable of easy installation, are maintained and productively used by our partners. While they are not included in our testing regime, they are recognized for their reliability and utility within the community.

Updating FLECS Core

To update FLECS Core on your device, follow these steps:

Step 1: Update FLECS Core with FILiP

Open your terminal and execute this simple command:

curl -fsSL install.flecs.tech | bash

This command initiates the FILiP installation process for FLECS Core on your device. FILiP will determine the existing FLECS installation and start the update process.

Step 2: Accessing FLECS

After the update, your system will reboot. To access the FLECS User Interface (UI), simply enter the device's IP address or hostname in your web browser. If you encounter any issues, such as an active web server, try appending port :8080 or :8008 to the IP address.

Uninstalling FLECS Core

To uninstall FLECS Core from your device, follow these steps:

Run Uninstallation Commands

  • Open your terminal.

  • Execute the commands:

  • sudo dpkg --purge flecs flecs-webapp
    sudo rm -rf /var/lib/flecs/

These commands remove FLECS and all associated data from your device.

Note on Uninstallation

Please be aware that uninstalling FLECS Core will not remove apps installed via FLECS from your device. To fully remove these apps, you must either use the FLECS interface or execute Docker commands.

  • It's important to follow the correct procedure to ensure complete removal of FLECS Core and its components.

  • If you encounter issues during uninstallation, refer to our Support for assistance.

Clean up Docker images after uninstallation

After uninstalling FLECS, Docker images associated with all installed apps will persist on your system. These images can be listed and removed using Docker commands.

To list all Docker images on your system, execute the following command in your terminal:

docker images

This command may output something similar to:

flecs.azurecr.io/tech.flecs.mqtt-bridge   3.0.2                      8223bc62ed28   2 weeks ago     95.4MB
alpine                                    latest                     05455a08881e   7 weeks ago     7.37MB

To remove all FLECS-related Docker images, you'll need to run:

docker rmi -f <id>

for each image that begins with flecs.azurecr.io. Here, <id> refers to the image ID, which is the third column from the docker images output.

To ensure a clean uninstallation, it is recommended to uninstall all apps through the FLECS WebApp before proceeding with the uninstallation of FLECS Core. This preemptive step helps in managing your system's storage efficiently and keeps it free from unnecessary data residues.


Docker Installation Issue

If you're installing FLECS on an Ubuntu system, it's important to check that Docker is not installed via Snap. Snap installations can lead to compatibility issues with FLECS. You can verify if Docker is installed as a Snap package by running the following command in your terminal:

snap list

If Docker appears in the list, you should remove it to avoid any conflicts. Use the command below to remove Docker:

snap remove docker

TLS-Only Connections

Some environments require secure connections for all communications, which means only TLS connections are allowed. This setting can affect the speed of installation and connectivity checks. If your firewall only permits TLS connections, you can install FLECS with TLS-only mode enabled by using the following command:

curl https://install.flecs.tech | bash -s -- --tls-only

Please note that enabling TLS-only mode may impact the installation speed and the initial connection checks. This option should be used if your network environment restricts non-TLS connections for enhanced security.

Last updated